Eboo Patel is a leading voice in the movement for interfaith cooperation and the Founder and President of Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), a national nonprofit working to make interfaith cooperation a social norm. He is the author of Acts of Faith, Sacred Ground, Interfaith Leadership and Out of Many Faiths. Named by US News & World Report as one of America’s Best Leaders of 2009, Eboo served on President Obama’s Inaugural Faith Council. He is a regular contributor to the public conversation around religion in America and a frequent speaker on the topic of religious pluralism. He holds a doctorate in the sociology of religion from Oxford University, where he studied on a Rhodes scholarship. For over fifteen years, Eboo has worked with governments, social sector organizations, and college and university campuses to help realize a future where religion is a bridge of cooperation rather than a barrier of division.

Hannah Minks, Student and Alumni Leadership Manager at Interfaith Youth Corps (IFYC), develops programs and communication tools that speak to the needs of both students and IFYC alums. Hannah brings personal experience to her position having been through many of IFYC’s programs as an undergrad student and alum, most recently the Germanacos Fellowship. It was through this fellowship that she began her project 10 Dorothy Days, a series of events that combined the idea of a social with community service so folks could get to know one another across lines of difference while serving the common good, all taking root in Hannah’s personal inspiration from Catholic figure Dorothy Day.

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