William G. Schma served as Kalamazoo County Circuit Court Judge from his initial appointment in 1987 until his retirement in 2007.  He has lectured, published articles and law reviews, and made numerous presentations on substance abuse and criminal justice, drug treatment courts, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, and Problem Solving Courts.  Judge Schma presided over the Kalamazoo County Drug Treatment Court Program; is a founding member of the National Association for Drug Court Professionals; and served as the first President of the Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals.  He has received the Founders Award and the Stanley M. Goldstein Award from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, as well as The Champion of Justice Award from the State Bar of Michigan.  He maintains a particular interest in understanding and promoting the law as a healing profession, and practicing law, judging and criminal justice with an ethic of care.  Currently he is president of the Drug Treatment Court Foundation of Kalamazoo County.

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