by | Apr 30, 2019 | Ethics, Immigration, Moral Compass, Peacemaker, Social Justice, Spirituality
Kurt Ver Beek is the President and co-founder of the Association for a More Just Society, an organization founded in Honduras to improve access to government services including health, education, and security. Over more than 20 years with the organization, Kurt has...
by | Apr 19, 2019 | Immigration, Interfaith, Moral Compass, STORY TELLING
Eleanor Moreno is the founder of Co2, a storytelling collective, and co-founder of Moreno Consulting LLC, a community collective website and translating group. Eleanor loves building relationships and believes that at the end of the day, it’s all about...
by | Mar 4, 2019 | Ethics, Immigration, Peacemaker, Social Justice, White Privilege
Part I: Part II: Jeff Smith has spent the past 40 years doing community organizing work, popular education work and creating independent media. He has spent a significant amount of time in Central America and Mexico doing accompaniment work, which has influenced his...